Monday, May 21, 2012

Self portrait

2-3ish hours. Keep the ball rolling

Self portrait. 8x11. Graphite ( sketchbook entry)

Sunday, May 20, 2012


This seems to be a step up from my normal level of alla prima paintings( no doubt do in part to the lovely model ;]). It's amazing what you can do with 2 colors + white: winsor and newton burnt sienna ( transparent oxide red) and Ivory black. I believe this one took about 2 hours. Sometimes things just come together, and it's good to thank the painting gods when they do!

Adriana. 8x11. Oil on sized paper ( sketchbook entry)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Master study in gouache

Gouache is a tricky medium; it's amazing the value changes a tile of color can go through after you've applied it. It's easy for things to appear chalky, especially out of context or if you aren't completely controlling the hue, value, and chroma of your colors consistently. Many of my gouache experiments have more of the " ugly" stage than any other mediums I've used.

This is a step towards decency, but I'm still fighting the medium, not actually using it. Currently I'm just treating the painting as oils, glazing in darks with transparent inks, and building up layers of progressively thicker, up to impasto lights.

Master study after Rembrandt. App 8x11". gouache and brown and black in on paper.